Do You LOVE What you do?

I LOVE what I do for a living....I mean I REALLY LOVE IT! I know not everyone can say that about their job! I feel blessed. I found something I love to do and I am good at it. Who could ask for more.

My career path didn't start off this way...that is for sure! I actually studied fashion merchandising and went to work in the fashion industry when I was finished with school. BIG MISTAKE! The work environment was awful. I mean, people would scream at each other at the top of their lungs. These were not life and death situations worth cursing other people out! I was miserable!

Now you may ask, how did I go from career happiness???? LUCK! I was in the right place at the right time and Closet Design fell into my lap. My designer friend was working on the new showroom for California Closets and they needed someone to work there. Sure! Why not I said! And the rest is history.  

It is simple. I am organized. I am a people person. I am creative and I like to make other people happy! I was a perfect fit. And the best part........I WAS TAUGHT EVERYTHING I needed to know to succeed.  After many years there, it was me who was teaching the new designers and I realized that I love doing that too!!  


I was able to help new designers hone their skills, develop their instincts and create incredible designs. All that they learned help make their clients happy Every Day! When you design a closet that someone uses and loves every simplify their lives, reduce their stress and save them money! How many other jobs can accomplish that for people? 


THAT is what got me to where I am today. The love of teaching and wanting to share my knowledge. I have done it for many years by educating my clients as I design for them and now I am taking it one step further and offering a FREE online Facebook event to teach YOU the basics of closet design.


If you don't LOVE what you do! Think about making a change or learning a new skill!  The closet design industry is growing and you can hop on board! EASILY! If you are even the slightest bit curious, come hang out with me for a few hours on June 26th (1pm-4pmEST) and see what it's all about! Just click the link below to join the event! I look forward to seeing you there!


If you are even more curious and excited......I also offer on line classes to teach you how to be a PROFESSIONAL closet designer. Check out the video below! 

I am so excited and grateful to share my knowledge with you! Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments!


Closet De-clutter 5 Categories to Purge

Ahhhhh........what a great feeling!  I just finished cleaning out my closet. Every once in awhile I get an urge, I mean A REALLY STRONG urge to purge! Has that ever happened to you?

I took every piece of clothing out of my closet, tried it on and made a decision about what to do with it. Does that sound like a dream or a nightmare to you?  Well, I know it's not for everyone! Many people become paralyzed when faced with too many decisions so I put together a little cheat sheet to help in this situation.

Please give it a try and let me know how you do!

Pour a glass of wine or a cup of tea, put on your favorite music and just GO FOR IT!    

4 Steps & 2 Secrets To Custom Designing Your Own Closet

Do you ever look at the beautifully designed closets in all the magazines...and drool just a little? Does your mind go to....... how do they do that or I wish it was affordable? Or quite simply to I WANT ONE?

Well, let me tell you a secret.  All the fluff, cool lighting and fancy gadgets are not what makes  a well designed custom closet.  It makes a pretty closet and a beautiful space but......that doesn't mean it is actually a functional one.  I have seen gorgeous closets, where the rods were placed too low and there was clothing dragging on the floor or some shelves were cut at a cool angle but empty, because nothing could fit on them properly . I have often been unimpressed!   

So what does warrant the title "A well designed custom closet"? Not fancy materials, not pretty pictures and not big name brand companies.  YOU can create your own custom designed plan and build it however YOU want to.  These four steps will tell you how: 


  1. TAKE DETAILED MEASUREMENTS:  This first step seems simple enough but it is the most crucial. Imagine designing and ordering your dream closet and having taken a measurement incorrectly.....the pieces won't fit and you will have wasted your money. Take an accurate measurement of the wall(s) that you will be building on. Look for obstructions such as light switches, plugs, vents etc and note where they fall on the walls. Once you have everything measured, draw the space on a piece of graph paper using 1/2" scale (1/2" = 1'). 
  2. ASSESS AND ANALYZE YOUR WARDROBE: Yes, this is meant to be as detailed as it sounds! You need to count how many pieces you have, measure how long they hang, as well as how wide and how high items are when they are stored folded.You want to make sure that you do not leave your clothes dragging on the floor or create shelves that will only fit 1 1/2 pairs of shoes instead of 2! Make notes of how much long vs short items you own, how many piles and how many pairs of shoes. Create paper "sections" (for example 3 feet long hanging, 8 piles of sweaters takes 2 feet of space) to match the same scale as your graph paper. 
  3. MAKE SURE IT WILL ALL FIT: Remember that mess takes up less space than organization.  If you want to move all of your shoes off the floor, they will take space away from something else! Using your scaled floor plan, and the cut "sections" lay out the space that will be used for each category you noted.  Remember that you can double hang short items or add extra shelves above a rod. If you find that you are quickly running out of space then you will have to come up with compromises or give something up!
  4. PROPER PLACEMENT: Once you know what you will be keeping in your new space, make sure that you place the sections where they make the most sense. Go back to the obstructions you measured.  Will you be covering a plug? Will your drawers open? Will you have easy access to the clothing you wear the most? Once you are comfortable with where everything have YOUR very own custom made closet!

The only thing left to do is order your creation and have someone install it for you!  Easy peasy right?  


Are you thinking "Is she crazy? That's a lot of work! OR I can't do all that"! I know, it can seem overwhelming........well.....I have another secret for you: There are other options!


First, I have created a service which will take the 4 steps out of your hands and put them into mine! All you have to do is fill out some forms, shop and arrange installation. Does that take some of the stress away?

Second, I have created and on line course that will teach you these steps in detail! Imagine, being able to not only create your own custom closet.......but perhaps start a new side business of your own!


I have been doing closet design for so long and I am delighted to help pass the skills onto others!  Feel free to contact me with any questions and I would love to hear your thoughts and feedback in the comments! 

5 Steps To Creating Your Sacred Space

I want to preface this whole post by saying that the word SACRED has a very different meaning for everyone!  For some it may mean religious, for others it may mean spiritual and for many more it could just mean private and personal.  It doesn't matter what the definition is as long as it has meaning for YOU! 

A "sacred" space should be one where you want to spend your time. It should attract you by it's calm and quiet and keep you in it's serenity.  It doesn't matter what you do, write, meditate, sleep.....the point is that you ARE THERE!  

I have friends who have the ability to make every space feel "sacred". No matter what we are doing, they add the special touches that others forget.....Over time I have tried to pinpoint the details that transform these spaces from ordinary to extraordinary and these are the things I came up with:

  1. Find a space that can be private and feels special to you.  This does not mean it has to be a room away from everyone one else....just a space that you can call your own when you need it to be.
  2. Make it comfortable. No matter what space you are working with (a whole room or a special corner), make sure that you are comfortable.  Add some pillows, blankets, furry rugs....whatever makes you want to stay for awhile.
  3. Surround yourself with your favorite things. We all have favorite books, keepsakes, photos, stones, beads, cards...anything that brings you joy should have a place in your sacred space.
  4. Scented candles or incense will help create the mood you are looking for.  It is said that scent is the sense most closely connected with our memories.  You can create a feeling and special moment just with the aroma surrounding you.
  5. Time. Making a conscious choice to spend time in the space you created will be what really makes it sacred.  Make this space yours alone or share it with others on a special occasion but USE IT.  The more time you spend in it the stronger the energy will become.   

A sacred space can take time to create....just take one step at a time and enjoy the creative process.  

I would love to see some photos of what you come up with!   

Could Organizing Be The 9th Limb Of Yoga?

This has been something I have been thinking about and wanting to write about for a long time. People often think of organized people (therefore organizers) as Type A, anal retentive...maybe even OCD?  Well....perhaps a little of all of them to some least for me.  

For a very long time I was very high strung, a total over achiever...someone who recorded her school notes and then listened to them while she slept. (That works by the way!). I was driven, but all over the place and nothing much could slow me down......until I found yoga. 

It may sound cliche but yoga calmed me, grounded me and centered me. I became MORE productive. MORE focused and all around a happier person.  Because I am who I am, I couldn't just enjoy yoga, I had to learn yoga.  As I started to study, I learned that yoga is not all about stretchy pants and  pretzel is so much more!  It is a life style. A way of being. It becomes a  part of who you are!  

Yoga became as much a part of me as the organized Type A qualities were.  And I started to compare them..........what I discovered is that the foundation of yoga and organizing have a lot in common.  It  struck me the most within the first 2 limbs of yoga: The Yamas and  the Niyamas:  Let me know what you think!

Yamas | Moral Precepts                              

1. Ahimsa: Non violence to self or others. The staring point to peaceful living.  Being Organized means less stress, taking care of yourself and peaceful living.                       

2.. Satya: Honesty commitment to the truth.  Being Organized is being honest about when you have reached your limits or when it is time to ask for help.                                                         

3. Asteya: Non stealing, not taking anything that is not freely given, not expressing feeling of lack. Being Organized usually means you have what you need and you know where to find it. You are not always searching for something.                                

4. Bramacharya: Sensual Moderation. Being Organized helps keep everything in moderation. Do not over book, over buy or keep to much stuff.  

5. Aparigraha: Non possessiveness.  Being Organized helps you let go of the things that no longer serve you, that don't fit or that you don't use. 

Niyamas | Personal Observances

1. Saucha: Purity, maintaining cleanliness in the mind. Being Organized keeps order in the mind which is then transferred into life. 

2. Santosha: Contentment, the ability to feel satisfied in ones immediate experience. Being Organized gives you the satisfaction of knowing you have what you need or that you have enough time to do what you need to.

3. Tapas: Austerity/discipline. Being Organized is knowing you can get things done. Knowing when to delegate and to avoid buying and keeping things we don't need. 

4. Svadhyaya: Spiritual and self study, self reflection. Being Organized helps you tap into your true self  to make decisions that are in alignment with your goals.

5. Ishvara Pranidana: Devotion to that which you call God. Being Organized is devotion to order.

I know, some of these may seem like a stretch....but not really. I live it, I feel it and it's a great place to live! What's the moral of this story you ask?  If YOU want to get organized....start doing yoga!


So That Was Weird.

I had a very weird encounter last night. I am still trying to process how I feel about it.

I was sitting in a restaurant with a friend of mine and the bartender introduced us to a young man she knew sitting next to us. After a little bit of small talk, I realized that I had met him before.  He is the son of one of my clients......that is not unusual in this small a town....but his reaction was.

When I reminded him of when me met he said "OMG! you're the woman that made my mother throw away all of my baby pictures!"  I felt like I was slapped in the face!  I did no such thing!

I think he saw the look of horror in my eyes because he quickly apologized and explained his exclamation.  When he saw his mother sorting through, and choosing her favorite photos so that she could keep the best of the best and edit out the ones of people whose names she had forgotten, or with eyes closed, or random scenery......he saw her discarding his life.

I don't remember him being rude, confrontational or even seem remotely upset, but he told me that he had often thought about what he would say to me if he saw me again.....and here was his opportunity.  What he said was "I get it. It has to get done but if it were up to me, I would have asked her to keep everything! It has nothing to do with you."  

I then pointed out the obvious: It would have to be sorted through some time and was he going to do it? He decided that he would box it all in storage and then pay someone to do it. I laughed out loud at that.......until he realized what he had said......that he had just come full circle.  If it was not me and his mom, and it was not going to be him.....someone was going to do it.

I deal with other people's things all the time.  It is so easy for someone else to tell you what to keep and what to part with.  This was a HUGE reminder that as an organizers it isn't just "stuff" I deal with, it's memories, baggage, family heirlooms, successes, creations, and as delicately as I handle these may still cause someone pain.

4 Ways To Bring Out The "Girly" In Your Closet

I am in No Way a "girly girl".  I am not into make up, jewelry or high heeled shoes but I do love my clothes.  I am such a  true believer that your closet should be a showcase for your clothes, that I created my whole career around it!  Your beautiful clothes should have a beautiful space to live!    

Of course, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Some people love clean simple lines. Others love bolder statements of style but none of that matters as long as the person loves their space.  I have seen it all.  I have had clients with library ladders in their closets, pull-out sleeper sofas, a bar, television and work out equipment......but my favorite spaces have always been the ones I would call "girly".  Pretty, sweet, warm, cozy, all of those adjectives can apply. I have only day dreamed of having a closet big enough to "girlify" but have thought a lot about what elements I would include.  Here they are. The 4 ways to bring out the "girly" in your closet:

COLOUR:  Colour can add so much character to a space.  Add color in the units you use, a chair or pouffe or in art on any spare wall space. Choose colours that you love, That make you feel warm and fuzzy and that make you happy.  Matching is optional as far as I am concerned! The more fun you have with it the better! 

LIGHTING: Lighting can mean a beautiful ceiling fixture, a crazy table lamp or a multitude of candles.  You can create an ambiance that reflects your mood just by playing with the lighting. If you have a plain lampshade...though a scarf over it and add even more colour to the space!

FLOWERS:  Real or fake, flowers just add warmth to a room. If you can invest in real flowers you will have the added bonus of a wonderful scent! Flowers make people happy (especially girls/women). 

BLING: Now Bling can take you anywhere.......from crystals, to statuettes, to jewelry on the wall, antique dolls, vintage bags....the imagination can go wild. Experiement with bling to bring out the dreamiest part of yourself and create a space that is joyful.

PLAY...PLEASE PLAY with your spaces.  Organizing can be fun!  Enjoy! 

NO is an O.K. Answer!

As I sat in my third (what seems like forever) meeting, my mind started to wander.......WHY am I here?  This meeting actually does not have much to do with me. I can't even understand most of the "lingo" being used.  How did I get here?

THE REASON:  I have a very hard time saying:

Why is NO so hard to say?  Two little letters come together to form a four letter word!  One syllable that can bring fear to people's hearts and cramps to their stomachs!

Is it  guilt - for standing up for what we want (or don;t want)? 

Is it a sense of "I should's"?   

Is it not wanting to disappoint other people?

CHECK!  All of the above for me!  But I realize that this is not helping me.  Saying YES when you mean NO can only lead to unhappiness and resentment!  Who needs that in their lives! NOT ME! 

So I challenge you (and myself) to start saying NO:

  1. To things that don't serve you.  
  2. When you feel taken advantage of
  3. To things that waste your time or aren't productive
  4. To things that work against you

And start saying YES

  1. To things that enrich your life
  2. To things that benefit you and your family
  3. To things that genuinely help others
  4. To things that bring you JOY

What does this have to do with organizing you may ask?  Well, think about buying things you don't need, keeping things "just because" and living with can start saying NO to these things as well ....... you're life WILL become more organized!

It's may be difficult......I know so here's a little video to get you on your way!

Let me know how you are doing!



5 Tips for Easy Closet Management

I have spent 20 years designing beautiful and functional custom closets for people. It never fails that when closing a sale many clients will ask me "do you come and put our clothes away too?"   Of course I will if they want me to, but for those who prefer to do it on their own, I  share my 5 Tips for Easy Closet Management.
These tips will not only help you maintain an organized closet (whether custom designed or not) but they will help you keep track of, and make the most of your wardrobe!  It is so easy to forget what we own and then spend money on items we don't really need!
1-  Put out of season clothes away:  Away can mean in a bin under your bed, on the top shelf, in an extra closet or even just towards the back of the closet you are using.  The purpose of this is to keep what you are currently wearing more visible.  
2- Keep "Like with Like":  This goes for items (ie: shirts and pants) and colors.  You want to keep the same colors together so that you can see what you own and avoid buying duplicates. How many of us have at least one too many plain black t-shirts. By keeping "like" items together you can create new and different outfits with the clothing you have.  If you hang things as "outfits" they tend to be worn the same way, with the same pieces all the time.  That is not using your wardrobe to it's full potential.
3- Keep items that can be nicely folded on shelves: First of all, folding anything that is knit will avoid stretching the garment  and prevent hanger marks in the shoulders. I hate it when I look in the mirror and I have these 2 little bumps on my shoulders and I have to  throw that piece in the wash again to re-set it.  Second, what you don't see you won't wear.  This is fact. No one has the time to go searching for a piece of clothing when they are rushing to get dressed in the morning!.
4- Contain things that can't be nicely folded in drawers or baskets:  Drawers are for dumping! That is not to say that a drawer can't be nicely organized - it can.  Drawers should hold underwear, socks, P.J's, bathing suits, workout clothes etc. What you don't want happening in drawers are piles where you wear the first piece, wash it, put it away on top and continue that cycle, thereby not wearing any of the pieces underneath.
5- Once you have worn something turn the hanger backwards in your closet:  I am not sure who first came up with this idea but now it is seen all over social media.  I am adding it here because I am a big fan!  This is a simple way to keep track of what you are actually wearing and at the end of a season you will know what should be given away! If you are not wearing it....someone else will!
I hope that you will at least TRY to implement these tips into your closet organization.  Let me know how it goes...I love a good success story!

Budget 4!

I will admit that this whole blog post is a little embarrassing for came about in two ways. The first, is that one of my friends had asked me to write about creating a budget - twice....  (apparently I had some kind of aversion since I didn't do it the first time).  The second is that someone recently asked me what my budget is to live where I do (Sedona,AZ)  which BTW is known by some as "poverty with a view". 

OH THE SHAME!!  I had to answer "I have no idea".

That wasn't totally true of course......... I know what all my bills are (approximately)  but I have never actually figured out how much money I NEED to survive.  I have just been going with the flow.  Thankfully that has been working.  But I did get a bit of a wake up call.

So, I sat down and did my budget (quite quickly and easily I may add) and I would like to share the 4 basic steps with you.  

The most accurate way to begin is with what you know:  Last years amounts  

STEP 1 - Pull out and add up ALL your sources of Income from the past full year (include salary, rental income, dividends etc).  ADD THESE UP

STEP 2 - Go through your bank statements and credit cards (from last calendar year) to list and total  your Fixed Expenses (the ones that remain the same amount every month). These would include things like mortgage payment/rent, car payment, memberships, some utilities and insurance. Anything that you pay once yearly should be added to this list as well. 

STEP 3 - Go through your bank statements and credit cards (from last calendar year) to categorize, list and total your Variable Expenses (the ones that are inconsistent all the time). The reason I suggest categorizing this list is that it can be VERY long if you leave it all separate. This list would include things like gas, car repairs, personal items/care, clothing and entertainment. Don't forget to add a MISC category - this is where you should put all the random cash withdrawals that you have no other record of.        


a) Add your fixed and variable expenses together. This number will give you the amount you spent last year and therefore tell you how much money you needed to make to cover it. Check it against your Income amount.... If you earned a lot more then you spent it's time to start thinking about investing!!

b) Divide your total expenses amount by 12 and this will give you the amount that you need to cover per month.

Now, the big question I am sure is how do I track this as I go to keep myself on budget?......Well, you're not going to like the answer: TRACK YOUR DAILY SPENDING!   

Start a Spreadsheet for every month.  At the top add in your Fixed Expenses and then make it a habit to total what you spend and record it every day.

This is something that I am going to start to do to keep an eye on where, when and how much money I am actually spending!  

I hope this was helpful and stay in the positives!