Who Loves Laundry?

Is it just me or is laundry is the bane of everyone’s existence! The piles seems to be endless, putting clothes away is constant and it never seems to stop! The only thing that might make it better would be a functional and well-organized laundry room. Since laundry rooms come in all shapes and sizes, you can only do your best with the space you have to work with.

Here are some tips to make your laundry room more user friendly:

Whether your machines are side by side or stacked, make sure you have some cabinets to store your soaps, dryer sheets etc.

A surface to fold on. This can be as simple as the top of your machines. Front loading machines allows uninterrupted use of the surface.

It’s nice to have a space to hang the items you don’t want to throw in the dryer. This can be a hanging rod, hooks or a floor standing drying rack.

A sink is a nice feature if you have the space. It’s great to hang drip dry items above and to use for the quick hand washing of items.

Extra storage is always a bonus. The laundry room is an ideal place to store laundry baskets, linens, and extra household items, if you have the space. 

Of course none of these things will make you love doing laundry, or the piles any smaller…but maybe it will make the chore just a little more pleasant.

I’d love to know what you think!

For more ideas about how to master the art of laundry, take a look at this article on porch.com.

Mastering the Art of Laundry