self care

Self Care: The Holidays are Coming!

I live in a town where I hear the words "self-care" a lot! I mean A LOT!  Not that it was ever a foreign  concept to me, but when I lived in a big city I never really had time to give it much thought. I must admit, I am still not very good at it, but with the holidays coming up (and my stress level about to be elevated), I figured now was as good a time as any, so......

I started thinking about what I could do to take care of me, myself and I, so that I could be better equipped for the fun, family, excitement, over stimulation and mayhem the holiday season entails! I know that if I feel this way that others must too so I thought of 4 EASY WAYS to take care of yourself in preparation for the holidays (or even to recoup after)!


  1. MEDITATE: O.K., I can't really do that either! How about just sitting quietly by yourself with your eyes closed, listening to your favorite music, blocking out the outside world? CLOSE ENOUGH Right?!  
  2. JOURNAL: If this sounds too daunting....just call it writing! Take the time to express your feelings, worries, frustrations etc on paper. No one ever needs to read it. Just let all your thoughts out and your mind settle down.
  3. ESCAPE: I mean, just go DO SOMETHING that you have always wanted to do or never make time to do! Dye your hair, Get a french manicure. Pierce your belly button. Ride a roller coaster. Eat get what I mean.

LUXURIATE: Pamper yourself! If you can afford it, go for a Spa Day! If you can't pick your favorite body treatment and enjoy OR simply add some oils to your long hot bath!


It doesn't matter what you do as long as the priority is YOU!