Small Projects - Fourth Quarter

WOW! Here we are in the final quarter of the year. Have you completed all your small projects so far?

Here’s the final batch. Keep up the good work!


- Go through your contact list and update email addresses
- Go into Junk Folder to make sure nothing ended up there that shouldn’t have
- Report any Junk Mail that seems like “Phishing” (ie: anything asking for you to click to update your information)
- Go into other emails and unsubscribe from anything you can



- Remove everything and clean the shelves
- Check for any torn or stained items – If you don’t need them turn them into rags or discard
- Play with how you fold the items so you can use the maximum amount of space
- Use stackable bins to contain smaller items and make efficient use of higher space between shelves



- Go through all games to see if they are still age appropriate
- Discard any toys/games that have broken or missing pieces
- Donate any toys/games that sit unused
- Decide how to organize the toys/games so they can be properly and cleanly put away after use (bins, baskets, shelves)



- Keep only items that fit and are being worn – donate what is just taking up space
- If possible, only keep one season at hands reach at a time
- Find ways to contain smaller items and shoes/boots (ie: bins, baskets, racks, hooks)
- Make sure each family member has the same amount of allocated space  


 Well, the list is complete. If you found some others along the way…please share.

Let’s start it all again next year!