Is It So Hard?

I apologize in advance because this is a bit of a rant. I’ve been having negative experiences with businesses lately, so this topic has been on my mind.

I promise to make it short!

I have a question for all business owners out there: What do you pride yourself on?

Is it how much money you make? The best quality product? The lowest price?

How about the customer experience? Isn’t the overall experience what will get you referrals?

What I pride myself on is Doing what I say I’m going to do. PERIOD.

If I say I will call. I call.  If I don’t have an answer for you, I call anyway to let you know that.

If I say you’ll have something by a specific date. You will.    

If I say I will be there at a certain time.  I will be there.

How hard is that to do???

In the small town I live in you’re lucky if a small business even answers the phone. And if they do, and you make an appointment, will they show upon time? And because we’re so limited with our choices, you’re stuck with whom you’ve got, or you must source out of town.

In the past month I’ve had people drop the ball repeatedly. I’m not sure how these companies stay in business.

I’m just putting the thought out there. Keeping your word is a simple thing to do. It’s what I pride myself on.

I have clients often thank me…just for showing up! Imagine that?!

I’d love to hear what you pride yourself on!