Can the things you hold on to hold you back?

Do you hold onto objects just to try to hold on to the feelings and memories you associate with those things? And are these objects creating clutter in your life?

Things are just objects. WE attach emotion and meaning to them.

If you toss out the object…do you believe the memories will go with it?

If this thing made you so happy during a certain period of time…are you still using it or is it shoved into a closet somewhere?


Let’s take a look at some common objects people hold on to and find some clutter free solutions for them:

  • Photo albums: This one is easy breezy if you have the time.  Scan (or even take a photo) of the page of old photographs and create a file for them in your computer.  If that just seems like too much work, at least, empty the albums and put the important photos in a box. While you sort the photos, be discerning and keep only the photos that hold some meaning for you. If you can’t see someone’s face or you don’t remember who they are…say goodbye! 

  • Old sweatshirts/jeans from boyfriends: First question is - are you still with this boyfriend? Second question is - do you wear the items?  If you do, OK, it’s a pass…go ahead and keep them as long as it’s the item you are coveting and no longer the person. If the items have you stuck in the past. Give Them Back.

  • Stuffed animals: If you’re an adult holding on to a stuffed animal, there’s something in your past that is associated with it. See if you can find that source and move forward. Take a photo, maybe include a note with a memory or two and then say a sweet goodbye.

  • Skinny jeans: OH YEAH! We all have these (or something equivalent). This is a tough one because getting rid of these feels like you’re giving up the fight. But, let’s face it, after a certain time in our lives, we may never fit into our “skinny” anything. Embrace who you are and find a new favorite thing to wear.

  • Love letters: These are tough. Many people will say that if the letters are not from the person you’re with currently, then letters be gone! Well, sometimes that is easier said than done. But, if you insist on revisiting the past, you don’t need a physical copy taking up space. You can do the same thing as with your photos and scan them into your computer. 

  • Wedding dresses: As a closet designer I see so many wedding dresses taking up way too much space in a Master Closet. It makes sense that you may want to keep it for your daughter, but does it have to be taking up prominent real estate? Either box it yourself or have it done professionally and put it out of the way until the future wedding.

May seem harsh, but the more we hold on to physically does affect what we hold on to mentally. It may be objects, memories or emotions.

I’m curious, what are some of the things you can’t let go of?