What's the "Best" Way to Organize?

How do you motivate yourself to get things done?

At times we all get lazy, overwhelmed or even panicked at times and pushing ourselves to tackle tasks can become a task in itself! It’s even more difficult when you don’t enjoy the task at hand.

Well, this certainly won’t help if your taxes are still not done but if you’re trying to get yourself organized, here are some tricks to try.

Firstly, and most importantly, don’t try to do it all in one shot! That thought even freaks the professionals out!

Here are some fun ways to break down the daunting task of organizing almost anything:


Let’s start with the more common ones:

1-      By Room, the most practical method. Choose one room at a time to concentrate on, then de-clutter and organize until you’re satisfied with the results.

2-      By Category can be very productive. Pick a category every time you decide to de-clutter. One week it could be clothes, the next toys, the next books and so on. Make sure you really find everything that fits into that category and evaluate whether to keep or donate.

Now we start creating the “games” and having some fun:

3-      Numerically there are two ways you can commit to playing this. Using the first method, on the date you decide to organize you commit to donating/discarding the number of items for that date. For example is you organize on the 10th, you eliminate 10 items. With the second you use the number represented by the month, so in April you would choose 4 items and in November you would choose 11.

4-      Alphabetically speaks for itself. Make sure you make a list of everything before you start so you don’t forget a category.  S is for sewing accessories, shirts, stuffed animals etc. You can pick on “S” a day or plan a day full of “S’s”.

5-      By Color may be the hardest one to do. Choosing a color is easy but then you have to hunt all over the house for things of that color…it may keep your kids busy for a while!

There is no right, wrong, best or worst.

Whatever it takes to accomplish your goal is the best way.

Can you think of any other ways to organize? 

Here’s an article outlining some other things to avoid when taking on an organizing project! Enjoy!